I was hired last fall to shoot an exercise video for seniors. Small budget, so I ended up doing the entire thing myself: direction, camera, sound, editing. Fortunately it turned out well. When I get a chance, I’ll post a sample, but for now, here is some feedback sent to the trainer:
“Ton DVD est tout simplement MAGNIFIQUE. C’est relaxant et très agréable à regarder… C’est vraiment plaisant de faire ces exercices en ta compagnie, celle de ton élève, des arbres et de leurs belles couleurs automnales, du ciel bleu, de l’eau, du petit canard et jusqu’à l’écureuil. La ou les personnes qui ont filmé sont vraiment professionnelles. Tout est bien cadré, fait artistiquement et avec minutie. “
(Your DVD is simply magnificent. It’s relaxing and very pleasant to watch…It’s truly a pleasure to do these exercises in your company, and that of your student, with the trees and their beautiful autumn colours, the blue sky, the water, the small duck and even the squirrel. The person (or people) who filmed it are truly professional. All is well framed, artistically done and meticulous.)
Well, that made my day!